What Type of Dentist Offers Invisalign for Teens?

What Type of Dentist Offers Invisalign for Teens? from Price Family Orthodontics in Frisco, TXInvisalign® for teens is a virtually invisible orthodontic appliance to straighten your child's teeth. As an alternative to braces for teens, it uses custom, clear aligners — not brackets and wires. Choosing the right dental professional for teeth-straightening services is important because only some offer this system. This article will review where to find Invisalign for Teens and how candidacy is determined.

Seeking Invisalign for your teen

Finding an orthodontist

Parents can contact an orthodontic office, like ours, that is certified in using the Invisalign system. Certification is crucial because this is how we are able to access the Invisalign lab and technology. In addition to receiving Invisalign, our orthodontist can provide comprehensive exams and cleanings to prevent dental problems from occurring during treatment or in the future.

During the consultation, teens and their parents will visit with Price Family Orthodontics to determine candidacy and review treatment options most effective for the patient's unique situation and goals.

Seeking eligibility

The orthodontist will assess the patient's teeth during the assessment to determine if they should try Invisalign. Patients require methods other than Invisalign for severe dental malformations, crooked teeth, and malocclusions. However, Invisalign can treat slight to moderate cases of the following:

  • Crossbites
  • Gaps
  • Crowded teeth
  • Unusual tooth shapes
  • Overbites
  • Underbites

Teens may also benefit from Invisalign because they can remove the trays. Kids can play sports without worrying about injuries from their braces. Metal braces can cause sore spots within the mouth, the lips, and the cheeks. Invisalign may cause less irritation. Unlike braces, Invisalign offers no dietary restrictions; therefore, there is no need to be careful with their food choices.

Additionally, teens with anxiety may benefit from Invisalign. Those with dental anxiety do not need to worry about the process because the orthodontist will not need to use too many tools, such as drills, screws, pliers, etc., effectively minimizing their time in the chair. Likewise, teens with general or social anxiety do not need to stress about facing ridicule from their peers due to the system's sleek and discreet appearance.

Ensuring compliance

Most teenagers do not have the same sense of responsibility as adult patients. Teens can remove their Invisalign trays but must wear them for 20 to 22 hours daily. Teens may want to remove them during a sports game or band practice. Unfortunately, with the freedom, some teens may choose or forget to replace their aligners once completing their activities.

Invisalign for teens solves this problem by including a blue dot on each aligner. The blue dot gradually fades or changes color when the teen wears the aligner. Suppose parents or the orthodontist notice the blue dot remains the same. In that case, their teen may need more encouragement to wear the aligners and not prolong treatment.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign for Teens in Frisco, TX

Call an Invisalign-certified orthodontist today

We hope you found this article helpful. Many orthodontists offer teeth-straightening services, but only a few are certified to offer Invisalign for Teens. If you have been looking for an alternative to braces for teens, contact us. We can help walk you and your child through every step of the process.

Request an appointment or call Price Family Orthodontics at 972-528-5519 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

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