Invisalign for Teens: What Foods to Avoid

Invisalign for Teens: What Foods to Avoid from Price Family Orthodontics in Frisco, TXMany families with adolescents needing straighter smiles opt for Invisalign® for teens over traditional braces. Braces use wires and frequent adjustments to straighten each tooth. Invisalign clear aligners straighten all the teeth simultaneously, with the patient switching out one set of aligner trays for the next one in the series every two weeks. These aligners are considered a modern-day improvement and are often more comfortable than braces despite being effective in straightening teeth.

Many teenagers find Invisalign more appealing than braces due to its discreetness and ease of use. However, there are some things to keep in mind, including foods to avoid while wearing clear aligners. Read on to learn more about which foods your teen should avoid during their Invisalign treatment.

Hard, chewy, and sticky foods

When one thinks about foods to avoid with braces, they probably rank foods that could get stuck in the wires and between teeth — like popcorn or hard candy — pretty high. However, teens with Invisalign can remove their aligners to eat these harder foods. In fact, as a general rule, the aligners should always be removed prior to eating.

Even with this guideline, teens need to know that they should do their best to avoid foods that could damage their aligners. This includes hard or chewy candies and chewy meats (such as jerky) or bone-in meats. Accidentally biting down on a bone can crack or chip aligners.

As far as chewy foods go, chewing gum is also off-limits. Since the aligners are comfortable, teens can easily forget that sticky foods can pose a problem, just as they would with traditional braces. The stickiness of gum and similar items can create a residue that sticks to the aligners. This bacteria-laden residue can contribute to tooth decay, especially if it happens frequently and for prolonged periods of time between cleaning the aligners.

Foods and drinks that stain

Also, be aware of foods that might stain the teen's aligners. One of the perks of Invisalign for teens is the transparent look of the aligners — as opposed to braces, which are visible. Therefore, make certain the teen knows that items notorious for staining teeth can also stain aligners. These include:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Fruit juices
  • Tomato sauce
  • Dark sodas/colas

If the aligners are stained, it can look like the teen’s teeth are discolored. Choosing water rather than other drinks when wearing them is a good idea.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign for Teens in Frisco, TX


Invisalign is an aesthetically pleasing alternative to braces. If your child chooses Invisalign for teens, ensure they are also aware of which foods to avoid to help the clear aligners look good and work well. They should always remove their aligners when eating or drinking (although they can drink clear water while wearing them if they feel comfortable doing so). They should also thoroughly clean the aligners after removing them to brush their teeth; this cleaning should occur at least twice daily.

If you have remaining questions or concerns about Invisalign aligner care, feel free to reach out to us. Our team can provide you and your teen on how to maintain their aligners and make sure they help your teen achieve the smile of their dreams.

Request an appointment or call Price Family Orthodontics at 972-528-5519 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

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