Invisalign Can Correct Your Teen’s Improper Bite

Invisalign Can Correct Your Teen’s Improper Bite from Price Family Orthodontics in Frisco, TXThe teenage years can be awkward, especially for those who have to deal with crooked teeth. Invisalign® presents an alternative to braces for teens. These clear aligners can have the same corrective impact as other treatments with less physical and social discomfort. This article will explore how clear aligners can correct an improper bite.

Invisalign fixes a variety of conditions

Teenagers may struggle with malocclusion, also known as “improper alignment.” This is more than a mere cosmetic concern, as it can also make it harder to have good oral hygiene. For example, food and bacteria can become lodged between overcrowded teeth and cause tooth decay. Clear aligners are a convenient and effective way to fix the following types of malocclusion.

Spacing issues

Unnatural spacing between two or more teeth can cause gaps between them. Common causes of spacing issues include when the teeth have fallen out, or the mouth is too narrow for the jaw. Genetics can also be a factor. Gaps between teeth pose cosmetic and functional concerns, as they could compromise gum health over time. An orthodontist may use clear aligners to shift the teeth together bit by bit, gradually closing the gap.

Crowded teeth

Overcrowding in the mouth happens when the jaw does not have enough room to fit all the teeth in comfortably. As crowding occurs, the teeth can become twisted out of line, stick out, or overlap. This is a common problem among teenagers who lose their primary teeth too early.

While braces are a common treatment for overcrowding, custom clear aligners are an effective alternative to braces for teens with this issue. Aligner trays, such as Invisalign, can create the space needed to shift the teeth back into an ideal position for cleaning, form, and comfort.


An overbite is when the top teeth protrude too far over the bottom teeth when biting down. This spacing issue between the upper and lower teeth makes the exposed teeth prone to injury; it can also impact the jaw and cause pain from the uneven motions that take place when chewing or speaking. Invisalign trays are custom-fitted to the patient’s mouth and help shift the protruding teeth back into proper alignment. The goal is a healthier, less painful bite.


With an underbite, the bottom teeth protrude out from the top of the front teeth whenever the mouth is closed. The lower jaw is often bigger than the upper jaw, and the teeth sit too far forward. This condition can make eating and speaking difficult and puts uneven wear on the teeth. Clear aligners can fix some underbite situations. The younger the patient, the easier it is for the orthodontist to manipulate and guide the jaw into place as they develop. Tooth positioning options with aligners depend on the severity of bite conditions.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign for Teens in Frisco, TX

A clear alternative to braces for teens

Teenagers are often good candidates for Invisalign treatment, though it is important to consult an orthodontist about the specific dental condition of the patient. Clear aligners provide a comfortable, effective, and visually accommodating way to treat common bite and spacing issues. Call our office to learn more.

Request an appointment or call Price Family Orthodontics at 972-528-5519 for an appointment in our Frisco office.

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